#!../rebol276 -cs REBOL [] print "content-type: text/html^/" print ["Sitebuilder"] read-cgi: func [/local data buffer][ switch system/options/cgi/request-method [ "POST" [ data: make string! 1020 buffer: make string! 16380 while [positive? read-io system/ports/input buffer 16380][ append data buffer clear buffer ] ] "GET" [data: system/options/cgi/query-string] ] data ] submitted: decode-cgi submitted-bin: read-cgi ; if no data has been submitted, request user/pass: if ((submitted/2 = none) or (submitted/4 = none)) [ print ["W A R N I N G - "] print ["Private Server, Login Required:"

] print [
] print [" Username: "

] print [" Password: "

] print [] print [
] print {} quit ] ; check user/pass every time - end program if incorrect: username: "cmstest" password: "cmstest" myusername: submitted/2 mypassword: submitted/4 either ((username = myusername) and (password = mypassword)) or ((find submitted/2 {Content-Disposition: form-data;}) <> none) [ ; if user/pass is ok, go on ][ print "Incorrect Username/Password." print {} quit ] if not exists? %sitemap.r [ write %sitemap.r {%Home []} write %Home {} ] if submitted/6 = "submit" [ ; write/append %sitemap.r "" ; make sure it exists print rejoin [ {

Create New Page:
} ] pages: sort read %. dont-show-suffixs: [%.html %.jpg %.gif %.png %.bmp %.rip %.exe %.pdf %.cgi %.php %.zip %.txt %.tpl %.r %.tgz %.tmp %.md] remove-each page pages [find dont-show-suffixs (suffix? page)] remove-each page pages [find to-string page "/"] ; don't show directories dont-show-files: [%rebol276 %sitemap %.ftpquota] ; and a few other odd files remove-each page pages [find dont-show-files page] print "

Edit Existing Pages:

" foreach page pages [ print rejoin [ {} to-string page {     } ;
} ] ] print {

} print rejoin [{Edit Site Map          }] print rejoin [{Build Site          }] print rejoin [{View Home Page          }] print rejoin [{Instructions}] print {
} quit ] ; if constructed edit link has been submitted: if submitted/6 = "edit" [ write/append to-file rejoin [what-dir submitted/8] "" ; create new if it doesn't exist ; backup (before changes are made): cur-time: to-string replace/all to-string now/time ":" "-" document_text: read to-file rejoin [what-dir submitted/8] make-dir %edit_history write to-file rejoin [ what-dir "edit_history/" to-string (second split-path to-file submitted/8) "--" now/date "_" cur-time ".txt" ] document_text ; note the POST method in the HTML form: prin rejoin [ {
Be sure to SUBMIT when done:

" "<\/textarea>" {

} ] print {} quit ] ; non-wysiwyg edit: if ((submitted/6 = "cleanedit") and (submitted/8 = "sitemap.r")) [ write/append to-file rejoin [what-dir submitted/8] "" ; create new file if it doesn't exist ; backup (before changes are made): cur-time: to-string replace/all to-string now/time ":" "-" document_text: read to-file rejoin [what-dir submitted/8] make-dir %edit_history write to-file rejoin [ what-dir "edit_history/" to-string (second split-path to-file submitted/8) "--" now/date "_" cur-time ".txt" ] document_text ; note the POST method in the HTML form: prin rejoin [ {
Be sure to SUBMIT when done:

" "<\/textarea>" {

} ] print {} quit ] ; if edited file text has been submitted: if submitted/6 = "save" [ ; save newly edited document: write (to-file rejoin [what-dir submitted/8]) (replace/all submitted/10 "<\/textarea>" "") either (submitted/8 <> "sitemap.r") and (submitted/8 <> (to-string first load %sitemap.r)) [ print {
Document Saved

} recurse-sitemap: func [page] [ append sitemap-pages page/1 if not (page/2 = []) [foreach block page/2 [recurse-sitemap block]] ] sitemap-pages: copy [] recurse-sitemap load %sitemap.r prin {
Now ADD this page as a SUB-PAGE of another in your site map:

} foreach page sitemap-pages [ prin rejoin [ {} page {          } ] ] print rejoin [{

If you've ALREADY added this page to your site map, or if you do not want it in your site map click here

}] ] [ print rejoin [{}] ] print {} quit ] ; If page has been added to site map via link: if submitted/6 = "addsitemap" [ recurse-add-sitemap: func [page] [ if page/1 = (to-file submitted/10) [ new-block: copy [] append new-block (to-file submitted/8) append/only new-block [] insert/only page/2 new-block ] if not (page/2 = []) [foreach block page/2 [recurse-add-sitemap block]] ] recurse-add-sitemap new-site-map: load %sitemap.r save %sitemap.r new-site-map print rejoin [{}] ] ; Build site: if submitted/6 = "buildsite" [ if not exists? %makedocsitebuilder.r [ write %makedocsitebuilder.r decompress #{ 789C953B6B73E3B891DFF92BB0F44DE649EB61CF6447D6A3F636BB557795DCA5 6637C9071EA78A2221893714C990D4C85E67FE7BFA018000497966E5B24502DD 4077A3D12FC01F7EFACFFFFDB3083D019F5FB336970BE1FF25FE24FF5426622E 02F1EB418A0F04F34B1B17695CA702BA4E4759B4E2E7B23EC66D2B6B9FD0FF2E EB262B8B85985FBFBD7E474D3F96D5439DED0F2D8CCAA3FC2A934351E6E53E93 8D98BD7FFF3E984FA76F79801F4EEDA1AC01F4C7B8CEC52F71D3C8A28EDB03F7 FE9C2171CF8E405C5A26F3EB9A5AFF14B7D03AFF63F0DF7141437991D7CA6395 437BB06314FD7E7D688FB9F7AA49E2A290F5AB8548CAA295F72DB0FF59D6DBB2 01E072B7F352B93DED1762772A1211A6711B4722CC7642C188B0AA33E09E3A70 B27BE0AE280BE955711DABC7A44CA57A6C59AAF49CCB5D1BECF278CF139555DB 2C441879E5A9E5EFAA250912707DCA257637E55102A9C723C8BF893CFDB450AB 56C8739E01383E1F640D53BD200644E80741F0D71F3EFCF2D3C207FCEA610204 B60423765991F293428F5ED200FF02ACD56AE5C3831FCC023F12C85F8010E285 3C666DD0C8046914B30E01A66184F95308F30EE1F5EBD78C70F314C24D87707D 7DCD08B74F21DC6A04FFEAEACA176D2924704930F48452D52057FE2B5F09903F A1BF5ED31CAF5EE929B679997C52F8DB539ECBF646E01ABF3468481B60119A2F 2EA2CD076817002DB8C8107AE5124A740EF065713A0EA923E24661BF8124041B 2508D429953B943FE8AB562085A43A6A999E12D82AB4BD708CA813FCFFF5F8C9 0A5F218352825D09B2C25A2AC54851B6D2EFAFBCC05604C77607BC8DB7F9083C 358F22ECEBF254693AE865948C04E8037BA7E0F86D1CB0CC4F47C318BFB9809D 3C275F130898874B12B1E4300AA50461B33F0A37C2FF28DCA800C621C724E042 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F8646B4C6B9179279A18B249572D3A1DE3528E04BD4885B9B3672E73D27D2E03 7BA72B125DC034A11C96E8BFA2A2E6F55199311630C50ACC9EE939D7108872A3 3EC7D6FBC0B0886218EA5D84BBBD3C37F6B2107590C3EC46E029DBC25D11A0B6 A051D7F620FA37FC87BCC40F390000 } ] if not exists? %menu.tpl [ write %menu.tpl decompress #{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} ] if not exists? %nomenu.tpl [ write %nomenu.tpl decompress #{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} ] homepage: to-string first load %sitemap.r current-path: rejoin [ {} homepage {} ] begin-recurse: true recurse: func [page current-path][ either begin-recurse = true [ print-path: (to-string page/1) ] [ print-path: rejoin [current-path { : } (to-string page/1)] ] begin-recurse: false do/args %makedocsitebuilder.r (to-file page/1) either (page/2 = []) [ constructed: replace (read %nomenu.tpl) {} (read join to-file page/1 ".md") constructed: replace constructed {} (to-string page/1) constructed: replace constructed {} print-path ] [ constructed: replace (read %menu.tpl){}(read join to-file page/1 ".md") link-list: copy {} foreach item page/2 [ link-list: rejoin [ link-list { } {
} {} (to-string item/1) {} {
} newline ] ] constructed: replace constructed {} link-list constructed: replace constructed {} (to-string page/1) constructed: replace constructed {} print-path ] write (to-file join page/1 ".html") constructed print page/1 print { ... DONE
} if not (page/2 = []) [ if (to-string page/1) <> homepage [ current-path: rejoin [ current-path { : } (to-string page/1) {} ] ] foreach block page/2 [recurse block current-path] ] ] print {
} recurse mymap: load %sitemap.r current-path print rejoin [{

Back to Sitebuilder
}] if not exists? %index.html [ write %index.html rejoin [{
}] ] quit ] ; Print instructions: if submitted/6 = "instructions" [ print {
    print instructions: {

    This script enables you to easily create, edit, and arrange HTML pages on your web
    site.  The first step is to create and/or upload page content.  The built-in 
    WSYIWYG HTML editor allows you to layout pages visually, without having to write
    any code.  It works just like a word processor, except it runs directly in your
    browser, right on your web site.  You can adjust fonts, colors, and all essential
    formatting/layout options.  You can add tables, images, links, and other elements,
    all without writing any code.  Of course, if you prefer to write your own HTML code
    or copy/paste from other sources, you can switch instantly between visual and code
    view, for complete control and instant preview.  The built-in file upload allows
    you to upload any HTML files, scripts, images, or binary files of any sort,
    from any computer.  The template system automatically builds menu links to other
    pages, using a simple and quick site map layout that you specify, and the generated
    pages are all wrapped in templates that you can upload or create/edit directly online
    (2 generic templates are included to get you started).  Because this whole system
    runs in your browser, you can add pages, upload files, and edit site content
    instantly from any location, using any OS, without installing any software.


    To create a new page for your web site, simply type in a name for the page and click
    the "Create New Page" link.  The visual editor will open, and you can begin editing
    content.  You can create new pages from scratch or copy/paste content directly into
    the visual view.  Page names should NEVER CONTAIN SPACES (use underscores instead),
    and should not have any file extensions.  It's suggested that title case be used for
    page names (every important word capitalized).

    To upload images, scripts, or any other content that you've created on your local 
    computer, simply click the "Choose" button and then the "Upload" button. 

    You can edit any text or code on a page, whether it was created using the online editor,
    or uploaded, by simply clicking the file name in "Edit Existing Pages".  To add an
    image to a page, simply click the image icon and type in the file name of any image
    that you've uploaded.  Adding, editing, and previewing scripts is as simple as clicking
    the HTML/Text button, and using the built-in preview button.  Centering and aligning
    content, changing font sizes, styles and colors, creating bulleted lists, and all 
    typical operations function just like they do in  most word processors.  Just select
    items and click on the icons to adjust your layout.  It's all very easy and intuitive,
    even for absolute beginners.


    When you are done editing/uploading content pages, you will be asked if you want to add
    them as SUB-PAGES of other pages on your site.  A site map is automatically generated,
    and published pages contain automatically generated menus which enable users to easily
    navigate around your site.  The site map can be edited to easily arrange page links on
    your site, based on the simple sub-page layout.  Any page content added to the site map
    is also automatically framed in nicely designed templates, to give your entire site a
    consistent look and feel.

    If you want to edit the order of pages in your site map, or add/remove pages from your
    site, click the "Edit Site Map" link.  Starting with the home page, every entry in your
    site map is simply a BLOCK containing 2 items: 

        This is a file name containing page content that you've created, which you want
        to appear in an .html page of the same name on your site.  Content file names should
        be listed exactly as they were named when creating or uploading them, as they appear
        in the edit list.  In the site map, all source file names MUST BE PRECEDED BY A
        PERCENT SYMBOL ("%").


        Each page entry in your site map must be followed by a pair of square brackets.
        These brackets contain a block of links to other pages on the site, to appear in a
        link menu on the current page.  The home page can contain as many sub-pages (menu 
        links) as you want, and any sub-pages can contain as many sub-page links as you want,
        and so on, for as many levels deep as you want.  

    Your site map must have one and only one "home" page.  It can be any file name you've
    created - typically "Home" (a %Home file is automatically created when this script is
    first run).  This script automatically creates an index.html page that forwards to
    your home page, if no index.html exists.  It's recommended that you keep your home page
    file named "Home".

    Here's an example of how your site map would look if you only wanted one page to appear
    on your web site, labeled "Home.html":

    %Home []

    The file name (%Home above) contains the name of a source file to be processed (a 
    content file that you've previously uploaded or created with the built-in editor).
    The block following it (empty above) contains the names of any SUB-PAGES that will
    be processed and automatically linked to it (none in the case above).

    Below is an example of how the site map would look if you wanted a site made up of a
    home page and two sub-pages.  Home.html, Page_One.html and Page_Two.html would all be
    created from the source files listed, and a menu bar would be automatically generated
    and placed on Home.html, linking to the 2 other pages.  Neither Page_One.html nor
    Page_Two.html would contain any menu bars with links, because they don't contain any

    %Home [                         ; your home page (index.html forwards to it)
        [%Page_One []]              ; Page_One.html appears in the menu bar of Home.html
        [%Page_Two []]              ; Page_Two.html appears in the menu bar of Home.html

    The next example site map below contains a home page with 5 sub pages, the 3rd of
    which contains 2 sub pages, and the 2nd of that contains 3 sub pages.  In the
    generated .html pages, link menus are only placed on pages which have sub-pages (i.e.,
    only Home.html, Page_Three.html and Page_Three_B.html below would contain link menus):

    %Home [                      ; your home page
        [%Page_One []]           ; Page_One.html appears in the menu bar of Home.html
        [%Page_Two []]           ; Page_Two.html appears in the menu bar of Home.html
        [%Page_Three [           ; Page_Three.html appears in the menu bar of Home.html
            [%Page_Three_A []]   ; Page_Three_A.html appears in the menu bar of Page_Three_A.html
            [%Page_Three_B [     ; Page_Three_B.html appears in the menu bar of Page_Three_B.html
                [%Page_3_B_1 []] ; Page_3_B_1.html appears in the menu bar of Page_Three_B.html
                [%Page_3_B_2 []] ; Page_3_B_2.html appears in the menu bar of Page_Three_B.html
                [%Page_3_B_3 []] ; Page_3_B_3.html appears in the menu bar of Page_Three_B.html
        [%Page_Four []]          ; Page_Four.html appears in the menu bar of Home.html
        [%Page_Five []]          ; Page_Five.html appears in the menu bar of Home.html

    The key to understanding the site map is that any source file names followed by a 
    link block will contain an auto-generated menu of links to those sub-pages in the
    created .html file.  Pages without link blocks do not contain any sub-page links.
    They are simply wrapped in a template.  Of course, you can manually link to any page
    that you've created, if you don't want any auto-generated link menus or template
    design to appear on your site.  You can use this script to simply upload content,
    or to create/edit HTML/script files.  If that's the case, you don't need to create
    a site map.

    Once you've finished creating content files, and have arranged them into a site map,
    simply click the "Build Site" link.  You can then view the generated web site by
    clicking the "View Home Page" link.


    If you need to perform any file or OS operations, click the "Console" link.  You can
    run operating system commands using the following format (replace "dir" with any OS

        call {dir}

    You can also use the console to run any REBOL functions/scripts (for any sort of batch
    file operations, text searches, to download file/directories from other FTP sites, etc.).
    This adds enormous power to the system:

        rename %oldfile.txt %newfile.txt
        delete %unwanted_file.txt
        foreach file (read ftp://u:%p--site--com/) [write file read (join http://site.com/ file)]
        (You can perform almost any non-interactive operation possible in the REBOL console)

    During use, backups are automatically created of any file which is edited using the
    built-in editor (saved in the %./edit_history subfolder), so you can always easily fix
    mistakes or revert to previous versions of a page or site map.  It's all extremely SIMPLE
    and QUICK to implement and use.  New users can learn the system in a matter of minutes
    (the syntax pattern for editing the site map is the only thing that requires any thought
    whatsoever, and that's only necessary if you want to make _changes_ to the site layout).


    To install, just copy this script and an appropriate REBOL interpreter to your web server,
    (version 2.76+ is required for console operations), set permissions and the shebang line
    of this script, then start adding/editing pages to your site.

    TEMPLATE FILES (for advanced users):

    Two generic page templates are built into this script, but ANY HTML template can be added
    and used on your site.  Template files are simply HTML files that act as a "frame" for new
    content that you create with this script.  They can be edited to radically change the look, 
    feel, and design of destination .html files generated by this script.

    Templates are extremely simple to create.  They can be created/edited directly online using
    the built-in editor, or uploaded and edited later using this script.  IMPORTANT:  Code files
    such as templates should be edited using the plain text editor (with no visual WYSIWYG),
    available by clicking the "Files" link, next to the "Upload" button on the main page of this

    NOTE:  The built-in templates insert a header image at the top of every page (%header.jpg
    by default).  If you want to use the built-in templates, you can simply upload a header
    image to appear at the top of every page in your site.  Just create your own image, save it
    as "header.jpg" and use the built-in upload facility to upload it to your web site.  That's
    all you need to do to create a minimally unique design for different sites.  If you do this,
    try to keep the header.jpg image download size small.  You can reduce the .jpg quality and
    number of colors in your image editing software.  The shape of a header image should be like
    a banner - avoid letting it get too wide or too tall, or it will take up too much screen
    real estate on your site (500x100 pixels is a good ball park size for the built in templates).

    Templates contain 4 short lines of code that indicate where the source file text/code should
    be placed on your destination pages, and where the link menu should be placed on pages with
    sub-page link blocks.  You can use existing HTML pages to create templates or create
    completely new designs for every web site.  To make them work with this script, simply insert
    the codes below where you want the content to appear on generated destination pages:

    sitebuilder_title     ; Page title in head tag  ** By default same as the source file name **
    sitebuilder_links     ; Link menu(s) generated by this script (as defined in your site map)
    sitebuilder_path      ; Links through the hierarchy of sub-pages, back to your home page
    sitebuilder_content   ; All of the data contained in the source file of each content page

    There are two main types of templates:  those with menu bars, and those without.  The built-
    in template %menu.tpl displays a menu of links on the left side of the page (each with a text
    rollover effect).  The %menu.tpl file is used for any source pages that have ONE OR MORE sub-
    page(s) in the link block.  The built-in %nomenu.tpl template is used for pages with EMPTY
    link blocks.  You can edit the built-in template files, or create new HTML templates from 
    scratch.  It literally takes just a few seconds to create template files from existing HTML
    pages.  Examine the built in templates to see how it works - it's very straightforward.
    Simply name your templates menu.tpl and nomenu.tpl, then upload them to the folder on your
    server which contains this script.  
    print {
